
Why I like strong wind days? Because it can turn the most boring and what would be uneventful ride into something epic, challenging and fun! I don’t like rain and cold. I don’t like scorching hot days. But windy days, I say, bring it on.

See after the link why…
  Porque eu gosto de dias com vento forte? Porque eles pode transformar um dia chato na bike em uma aventura. Algo realmente difícil e divertido! Eu não gosto de chuva e frio. Também não gosto de muito calor. Mas dias com vento. Esses são os bons.

Olha depois do link porque…

Holland is a flat country. There are no mountains or hills to divert the wind. No protection against the roaming wind. One is totally exposed for the force that can come from any direction and can change all over sudden.

It can push you sideways in gusts that make you dangerously close to the curb. Or ride at an angle just to keep going straight. Cross winds can slow you down and teach you to ride low in the bike. Tailwind can help you forward in 45 kms/h speeds without little effort and enjoy exciting turns.

Or more often than one might expect, they can come head on. They will push you back and make you pedal as hard as possible to keep speeds just around 15 km/h. Some days you get out of home and get it head on immediately. It is a shock to the system when you are not even warmed up yet. Legs are burning, heart rate is sky rocketing and eyes are watering. You think you still have 70, 80 or even 100 kilometers on it. And you almost turn around.

But from that moment on I have a smile on my face. I know it will be hard work. I know I’m going to be pushed back, left and right. But I know it will be a good training. It will make everything faster or harder. More worth to be out. I will put a heart rate of 175 bpm just to keep going.  I will have to hold the handle stronger to keep the front wheel straight and will get sore arms.

I will complain the whole way but it will at the end I have the feeling of job well done. I will take the windy day every time over a calm pleasant and boring day.


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