107 kms | 3h47m | avg speed 28.2 km/h | avg hr 153 bpm

The training today was the same distance from last Sunday, but different route. Decided to go back to Rhenen to try the bike new setup on the climb or Pardenveld street that goes up to 7% inclination. Two weeks ago I did a professional bike fit and quite some changes needed to be made. Take a look how it went.
  O treino hoje foi a mesma distância do último domingo mas a rota foi diferente. Eu decidi ir até Rhenen e subir a ladeira do Pardenveld que chega a uma inclinação de 7%. Duas semanas atrás eu fiz um bike fit e muitas coisas mudaram e eu tirei o treino de hoje para ver qual seria o resultado. Dá uma olhada como foi.

I’ve done a bike fit a couple of years ago but after I got my new bike, I couldn’t get it to a good position. Instead of starting trying by error and lose a lot of money buying the wrong equipment, I decided to do another one. I went to Chris Brand that has been high recommended by good cyclists.

After measuring me and the bike and filming both in action he change quite a lot of the setup. The first thing was the shoe  clits that need to move half centimeter. The saddle had to move up by 2 cm and move upfront 3 cm. Which made me buy a new seat post for a zero setback.

To test that, I looked for a ride that had flat hard push against the wind (which is easy), hard climb (which is difficult) and a easy way back to test comfort of the new setup. I push thru the Lekdijk which is as open to the wind as possible. For 50 or so kilometers I pushed against the wind. The power was there and actually I felt that I could push harder for longer because I feel that I’m on top of the bottom bracket and pushing the pedals easier.

But the saddle height wasn’t good and it was hurting and didn’t felt stable on the turns. When I decided that I gave enough chance to it, I stopped and lowered the saddle more or less half centimeter. That did the trick and it didn’t hurt anymore. I went to Rhenen and push on the Pardenveld street. It isn’t that long but it goes to 7% quite quick.

If felt good. I pushed hard but not crazy. And kept the heart rate around threshold and speed around 20 km/h. I did it another time and this time controled 4 bits before threshold. The speed only went down to 17 km/h. Good result. Now I can sell the old seat post.

The way back was uneventful and just straight back home. Tomorrow recovery ride and wednesday interval training 3 times 8 minutes.




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