53 kms | 3 h 07 m | avg speed 17 km/h | avg hr 157 bpm | 1.996 kcal

Different ride today: 50 kms mountain bike ride on the hills around Nijmegen. A beautiful challenging ride with 630 vertical meters of climbing into mud, wood and sand. Lots of fun, beautiful views in the woods and hard work.

Check after the link.
  Treino diferente hoje: 50 kms de mountain bike ao redor das ladeiras de Nijmegen. Uma volta muito bonita com 630 metros de subidas em lama, raízes de árvores e areia. Muito divertida com vistas fantásticas e trabalho duro.

Dá uma olhada depois do link.


We left with a group of 9 riders and went immediately into the woods and immediately climbing, which forced sub teams to be forced immediately. I did half of the ride with Jean-Marc, which was doing his first bike event ever, and the other half with him and Stef, a L’Etape du Tour veteran. Great company.

The whole ride was a constant up and down with some very tough climbs. At some points my heart rate was around 185 bpm and I needed to slowdown to not burn out.  Some climbs were so muddy and with so much trees roots sticking out of the ground that one have to work extra hard to just keep going.

Even the flats were tough with going thru. The organization chose really well the route to make it harder and worth the name of the event. They were little paths around corn fields with lots of bumps and mud pools. And the descends were also very nice and fast. I managed to hit 41 kms/h. One in especial was quite long and with a lot of small ramps on it for a lot of jumps.

A fantastic challenging ride and for a good cause. Great Sunday!

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