78 kms | 2 h 39 m | 29.4 kmh avg | 137 avg bpm | 1.353 kcal

Almost 80 kms today around my house with strong winds both helping and against. It was a lonely sunny ride as preparation for the Etape race of next Sunday! Finally the time of the race is here. But the day wasn’t planned like that as we originally wanted to ride 130 kms. Check after the link why we changed plans…
Quase 80 kms volta de hoje foi ao redor da minha casa com ventos fortes ajudando e também contra. Foi uma volta ensolarada e uma preparação para a L’Etape que vai  acontecer no domingo. Finalmente a melhor corrida do ano está aqui. Mas não foi bem isso o que eu tinha planejado. Dá uma olhada depois do link porque não fiz os 130 kms que queria.

Today the plan was for a team ride with the team that did the Tour du ALS last year in Ermelo, dead center of the country. We’ve been planning this for quite some time and finally we found a date for everybody. But it wasn’t to be. The weather turned bad and the downpour didn’t stop the whole morning. Leaving from Utrecht, the thunder storm and torrential rain was quite impressive. We went to the camping where Jeffrey has a bungalow and wait for some time but the rain didn’t stop at all. So, we have to call it out and back home.

But things got way better later in the afternoon and I went out for a quick two hours and half riding and almost 80 kms, intead of the 130 kms originally planned. The idea was to do a easy zone 1 heart rate to keep the juices going but not push too hard as the race is next Sunday. I went out alone from home and immediately got a strong wind. At the corner from my village, I could decide to get the head wind on the first part of the ride on the second. I decided to start easy with a tail wind and come back against it.

It was the right decision. The beginning with speeds of 37/38 km/h was nice and also let me warm-up gradually. I like that. I also pushed thru some new areas where I haven’t cycled before around Houten and it was a great ride with a pristine new tarmac. On the way back from my turning point on Wijk bij Duurstede, I tried to keep low on the bike and the pedaling smooth. I managed to keep speeds around 30 km/h with a heart rate of 135 to 140 bpm. Great result. I’m very happy with it and now I will do just a easy recovery session on the spinning bike tomorrow and travel to France on Thursday. I can’t wait.

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