65 kms / 2 h 41 m / 25.8 avg km/h / wind force 5

Week 3 and 4 of my training plan came and went with a lot of unplanned interruptions again and I am falling even further behind what I expected myself to be doing in terms of number of hours training in the spinning and on endurance long rides. One good thing I managed to do before leaving Brazil to Holland on the 19th, was to squeeze one spinning interval session in the gym my brother arranged. The typical 5 times interval sessions of 3 and 5 minutes. That should have relaxed my body for the trip.

In Holland is when things got a little difficult. On the Sunday, I started the training week with a nice fitness session and thought it would be good start to get back in consistent training mode. Unfortunately I forgot that in the same day I had planned by Covid booster shoot and later in the day my daughter came down with a cold and self tested positive for Corona. So, since Sunday we are in quarantaine.

Monday I woke up feeling my whole body aching and feeling nauseated and I didn't know if it was the booster, the hard training after a long 26 hours trip from Brazil or I was going down with Covid. So, not to risk I had to cancel all sessions planned for the week and we went for an official PCR test. Which confirmed positive for my daughter and show negative to me. 

Things stay like that until Thursday when I started feeling better and planned a Tacx session at home with the goal of now try to stick to the training plan again and hope I don't get infected even if I'm living in a small 2 bedroom apartment with someone positive. We created a couple of rules to reduce the risk of contamination and so far things are going well. I didn't get sick and my daughter is no feeling too bad.

If I manage not to get sick during this time, this is a great proof of the obvious: distancing, cleaning your hands constantly, wearing a mask and vaccination really works. 

On Saturday I decided to do a longer ride and went out for a traditional 65 kms loop around my place. I do this ride quite a lot first because it is a constant ride to compare fitness and performance and because it is just nice almost with any city crossing (only in Hilversum there is a traffic light to stop).  The training was hard because a lot of wind was blowing from the south east, which meant my whole way back was with a very strong cross / head wind. I was not ready to push that much and the last kilometers was a drag to get back home. Felt completely exhausted but I'm happy for not being sick and to be back in training. 

SHOULDERS - Since November last year I started having very strong shoulder pains in both sides. My brother took a look and he believes I might have a calcification of the shoulder bones, which are pinching the nerves. The only solution is to strengthen the muscles around this area of go for surgery. As I don't want to go to the knife too quick, he gave for me a good upper body training scheme using elastic bands and my own weight. This takes only 30 minutes and I will be trying to do every day for the next 3 months before I call my doctor. Today was the first session and I can really feel my heavy shoulders now while I type. The plan is to get rid of this situation before the race in August. 

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