Ride 5: brutal, brutal, brutal


Today the ride was brutal. I cant find another word for it. It was 114 kms with 1900 vertical meters. Nothing too much when one looks at the numbers like that but the route was full of steep climbs in a really hot and humid day. I did all the climbs well enough without going to a grind but it was hard and I finished totally empty and half cooked. 

Rise early and enjoy it before the heat and muggy air. Didn’t work. 

To begin, the first 38 kms from Alicante to Alcoi is just constant climb that gets harder and harder. First part, up to Jijona, is what I’ve ridden yesterday. Constant up around 3 and 4 % in a very “industrial” feeling roads with heavy traffic (today being Monday). The second part from Jijona to Alcoi is much nicer but also harder with constant 6% and the occasional 8% ramp. But the traffic really dies down and there are more trees to protect from the sun. The pine trees are nice and there is a vibe of being in the french Alpes. I really like this part and enjoy a steady climbing effort. But at the end I was already tired from climbing non stop for 38 kms  

From the top of the climb, there is a fantastic 10 kms of descending towards Benifallim. Lots of turns and steep ramps. I really enjoy this. BUT then things got much more intense than I expected. When I was planning the ride, it looked like it be a nice rolling hills and that would be fun. But reality was that I had to face a lot of steep hills up and down and the road until Aigues when it would be downhill back to Alicante, took forever. It was a grind in the heat and constant up and down. The plan was to complete it in 4 and half to 5 hours. But it took another hour! Good training, I guess.

Some pictures I took today before I goot tired and want just to get back home. 

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