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Live tracking: see how I am doing it!

1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...

Winter is gone = road training beggins

Apparently the snow and ice are gone for good. This mean road training is about to start. I was actually getting nervous with not being able to do any endurance training since my injury in the beginning of December.
Well, since then I have been focusing on spinning and gyn workouts. The pattern is basically spinning for 25min (7min warm-up, rest hard resistanceand heart rate zone 4 = power training). After that straight to squats (last week with 60kg), leg extension (85kg), lower back push(75kg) and knee extension (55kg). Im doing this 3 times a week and 1 hour spinning on Sundays (can someone do more than 1 hour on the trainer, looking at a book shelf?)
In fact tomorrow is the first team ride. 80 kms. I'm very curious to see how it's going to be with the new team. And also without enough endurance training to do 80km... Well, it's a wait and see game now... Cleaned the bike today from the acummulated 5 months of mud and the rest is ready to go. Weather forecast? Heavy rain and winds. The sweet life of a wannabe cyclist...