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Live tracking: see how I am doing it!

1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...

Treino em Limburg --- Ride in Limburg

Meu maior medo se concretizou: gripe com crise de garganta e febre. Nao me sinto exatamente fraco mas nao me sinto la muito bem. Agora sao 8:30 da manha e eu acabei de chegar em Limburg. Vou fazer a corrida de qualquer forma. Devo ser meio retardado mental. Vamos ver no que vai dar. Engracado no caminho foi estar tocando Billy joel que me lembra uma noite muito especial pra mim e pra ajudar o meu moral: pump up the jam!
My worst fear turned reality: I've got the flu with a very much sore throat and fever. I don't feel particularly weak but not exactly strong. Now it is 8:30 am and I've just arrived at the start point. Yes, I'm doing the ride. I must be retarded. Funny on the way was to hear Billy Joel on the radio and to pump a bit my moral: Pump up the Jam!

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