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1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...


After I’ve completed the training today I’ve done something I haven’t in a long time: stayed alone and listened to a couple of albums. Not put music on while I was doing something. No, that is something else. What I mean is turn on the music and just listen while I seep a nice cup of coffee. I had almost forgotten how good I feel and how much I really like to listen to music alone.

Curious what I was listening, check after the link.
  Depois do treino de hoje eu fiz uma coisa que fazia muito tempo que não tinha uma chance: escutar alguns discos sozinho. Não quero dizer colocar música prá rolar enquanto faço outra coisa. Não. Quero dizer colocar música e escutar o disco inteiro enquanto bebo um café do bom. Eu tinha quase esquecido como eu gosto de fazer isso e como me sinto bem.

Tá curioso o que eu estava escutando, dá uma olhada depois do link.

Every Saturday, something between my 18th birthday and my 27th, I would usually go back home from work and have a couple of hours before going out with friends or girlfriends. And that would be the time of the week to just sit-down after a shower and listen to my favorite albums. And I had quite a collection to chose between the vinyl discs, CDS and k7 tapes (long time ago).

Could be anything and it would depend of course on how I was feeling. From Sepultura to Yes, going thru everything in between in terms of genre: Doors, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Iron Maiden or classic music. Always like Schubert and Handle. Most common still would be Rush and Pink Floyd. Still miss the feeling of going thru the vinyl selection, chose one album, listening to the full side (had to be at least a full side) before choosing another one.

The first album today was Animals, from Pink Floyd. What a great one. Someone posted about it on Facebook this week and I remembered. The clean sounds and the melodies are fantastic. Honestly one of the best PF in my opinion. The riffs and solos are fantastic. Gilmour at his best. After that I went thru Whish you Were here. No comments needed.

Then something on the timbre of the solos reminded me of Tame Impala and that was the third choice of the day: Innerspeaker. I really like the dreamlike sound of TI, the voice sound and again the clean almost electronic sounds of the guitars. I “discovered” this band just a couple of months ago and really got hooked. Amazing to think most of the sounds were played and recorded by Kevin Parker (the brain and execution of Tame Impala) from his basement “studio” in Australia.

And what was best to close a day of this mood? After Floyd and Tame Impala? Can only be Yes! Not every day taste but what a great album the Yes Album is. Lyrics, compositions, guitars, etc. I really like the combination of complexity and simplicity of Yes. It is difficult to get more complicated then those guys, but they can bring it down to very basic at some points and then start building on top of each other. Great to listen alone!

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