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Training disrupted but not stopped

Tuesday and Thursday spinning interval training. First day 5 x 3 minutes interval. Second day 3 x 3 minutes + 2 times 4 minutes. Really hard training with big chunk of time on zone 4 and 5.

Once again my training plan got a little disrupted. I had to travel unexpectedly to Brazil last week and will be here for 2 weeks. This means just in actual travel I will loose 4 days in total and will be without an bike for those 2 weeks. Luckily I have two things that helped to stay active and keep some type of training during those days: a lot of time in my hands as I stop working after 16:00 due to the different timezone with Netherlands and access to a spinning bike.

The first weekend after I arrived I decided to dedicate it to fitness strenght and stretch. That meant I did 3 days of core and mobility exercizes of 45 minutes with the following sequence: squad + plank + side plank, ribbon upper body 15 pulls for shoulder and upper back, mountain climbers and abs). The upper body work with the ribbons were especially tought because of an injury that I have in both shoulders. My brother (who is a personal trainer) gave me a set of drills and that should be helping in the mid/long term. Just doing those sessions already helped me to go into the midset of stay active and not write off completely the week.

And because of that I decided to look if I could arrange a place to do my interval spinning sessions. Luckily my brother managed to arrange for me to have access to a gym close by that I could use their spinning bike. Simple and nice gym place and OKish bike. But perfect to drive the interval sessions. The first day was on Tuesday when I did 5 x 3 minutes intervals. The heart was jumping very quick to zone 4 (above 156 beats per minute) and also to zone 5 (above 176 bpm). But I manage to complete all intervals without slacking on the bike resistance. On Thursday, the heartrate was going up a little slower and more "in control". And I even managed to increase the size of the last two intervals to 4 minutes and finish the last 10 minutes with a tempo push. I felt much better for doing those sessions and today (saturday), I will go again for my 3rd and last session  before going back to Holland. 

In total, I won't loose completely the two weeks but won't be able to do any long endurance weekend ride that I was planning to start last week. Something around 2 hours. But as the weather in Holand is staying cold, just above 0 degrees Celsius and very misty, I'm not sure I would have done that either... Anyway, good to see the family and the 30 + degrees weather that I actually never missed...

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