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Live tracking: see how I am doing it!

1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...


75 kms | 2 h 29 m | avg speed 30.1 km/h | avg hr 146 bpm | 1.845 kcal

Nice tempo riding today to relax after the long ride on Saturday. Went from home to Wijk bij Duurstede on top of the dike with lots of cross wind. Sun was eventually out and it was warm enough to go without arm and leg warmers! First time in the year I don’t have to cover up everything.   Treino de ritmo hoje para relaxar da volta grande do sábado. Fui de casa até a cidade de Wijk bij Duurstede e voltei. Tudo em cima do dique com muito ventro atravessado. O sol saiu algumas vezes e estava quente suficiente prá sair com braços e pernas descobertos!


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