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Live tracking: see how I am doing it!

1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...


80 kms | 2 h 44 m | avg speed 29.2 km/h | avg hr 154 bpm | 1.699 kcal

17 degrees mid strength wind cloudy day. Short and sweet back to the Utrecht Heuvelrug for a quick test of the legs on the climbs. All climbs went well and I manage to keep speeds always around 32 kms/h on the flat parts of the route. The number of traffic lights this route has is what brings the average down, I did get all of them red… Next weekend: 50 kms of mountain bike ride on the hills of Nijmegen.   17 graus com vento médio e um dia nublado. Uma volta curta de volta a região do Utrecht Heuvelrug para testar as pernas nas subidas. Todas foram bem e também consegui manter a velocidade por volta dos 32 km/h nas partes planas da rota. O grande número de sinais de trânsito abaixou a velocidade média… Próximo final de semana: 50 kms de mountain bike nas ladeiras de Nijmegen.


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