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Live tracking: see how I am doing it!

1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...


pic 102 kms | 3 h 47 m | avg speed 27.1 km/h | avg hr 156 bpm | 2.345 kcal

December 20th and I’m cycling 100 kms in 10 degrees and sunny day. When did that happen before? Never. But I’m not complaining. And to make the most of it, I overdid quite a lot, suffering the last 15 kms just to get back home. But it felt fantastic to be back on the road after 7 weeks of little training and no bike at all!

I met Richard and Tom in Hilversum and from there we went direction north, with a bit of cross wind or tail wind. It was good fun and we even saw a running llama on the other side of the road. I’ve raced cats, dogs and even eagles. But this was he first time for a llama! there was also a moment when a gray heron flew very close to my head and the guys were making fun of me… all in good sport.

Everything was going find until we split in Bilthoven to go back home. The head wind and my lack of condition hit me hard. I went down from 28/30 km/h to mere 22 or best case 25 km/h. No power in the legs at all. It was a long 15 kms back home but at least no dog overtook me this time! Anyway, very happy to be healthy again (no throat infections, colds, etc) and out on my bike. 

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