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Live tracking: see how I am doing it!

1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...


Sunrise at Utrecht Center 

That was the beginning of yesterday ride with Tom, Stef and John.  Good ride with a punchy speed on the lekdijk and being dropped climbing the Amerongseberg.  The damage Tom caused in the dike going over 40 km/h really worked out and I climbed the easy side of the hill with milky legs. But the rest of the ride against the wind was great and better than last week.   
Nascer do sol no centro de Utrecht. Esse foi o local onde começamos a volta de ontem com Tom, Stef e John.  Um treino bom com algumas partes bem fortes e eu sendo deixado pra trás no Amerongseberg.  A puxada de Tom no dique fez dano suficiente pra que eu fizesse a subida com músculos de leite, como dizem os holandeses.  O resto da volta foi boa senão bem melhor que se,ana passada.

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