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1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...

Another day on Interval

Today was another day on interval training. Did 2 sessions of 12 minutes at lactate threshold and a session of 20 minutes going to 185 bpm. Really hard. With 2 minutes rest between them. 8 weeks of that 3 times a week and I should be ready to face Drolenval in Belgium.

After that I’ve completed a series of squats with 20kg in each side and it went really well. It is actually a surprise to me that I’m able to do that just after the interval training. Actually it goes even better comparing when I was doing it just after the warm up. It also means I can keep the gym workout from the base phase and do interval training at the same time. The only down side of it is the constant hunger!

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