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Live tracking: see how I am doing it!

1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...

Double take

Sunday was a double take: 3 hours cycling and 1 hour swimming. Very nice day and with a result: went to bed at 9:00 and slept until 6:30 with the feeling that could keep on sleeping for another 2 hours.

The cycling part was interesting. It was against wind or with cross wind the whole time. Strong wind (Did I say wind enough times to give you the idea?). I think I only got the tail wind for 500 meters. I did 3 hours ride = 65.5km. Kept my heart rate at 150 bpm regardless of speed. At the end my right lower leg and lower back were hurting like hell. I think the injury from November is still there. I’m fighting the need to go the fisio, but I guess I have to surrender…

The swimming was interesting. I has been more than 10 years the last time I was on the water. Hell, I think it was probably 20 years for a real swim. I did one hour of alternated 25 meters of free swimming and chest stroke. I don’t know what distance I did, but at the end I was exhausted and almost couldn’t keep myself awake to play with my daughter…

Today I’m resting and feeling like an allergy attack… Maybe I’ve overdone yesterday. Tomorrow: interval at home in the trainer = boring.

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