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1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...

Good weather. Tempo Bom.

Yesterday I did my long interval training. It was the first one after de cold from last week. I did a full hour on low rpm high intensity. Unfortunatelly my heart rate monitor didn't work but I think I manage to keep it around 170bpm. It was a good workout and I finished feeling good. No pain (not too much).
Of course today i'm very sore. But the weather was so good that I went to work on a recovery ride. High rpm a low heart rate for 1 hour. Tomorrow is interval again.

Ontem eu fiz meu primeiro treino de intervalo longo depois da gripe da semana passada. Fiz uma hora completa com baixa rpm e alta intensidade. Infelizmente meu monitor cardiaco quebrou mas eu acho que consegui manter o coracao por volta das 170bpm. Foi um treino bom e eu acabei me sentindo bem. Sem dores.. Pelo menos nada demais. Hoje a ava bom e fiz um treino de recuperacao ate o trabalho. 1 hora com alta rpm e baixo nivel cardiaco. Amanha intervalo outra vez...

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