50 kms | 2 h 04 m | avg speed 25.5 km/h | avg hr 149 bpm | 1.260 kcal

Sunny dry training day today. Still lots of ice on the side of the road but the actual roads and cycle paths were quite clean and I could take the race bike instead of the mountain bike as planned originally.  Good ride on heart rate zone two and against quite strong head wind most of the time.
  Domingo de inverno com sol. Ainda há bastante gelo ao lado da rua, mas as ciclovias estão limpas e eu pude sair com a bike de estrada em vez da mtb como tinha planejado inicialmente. Um bom treino na zona cardíaca 2, entre 148 e 155 bpm , contra um forte vento gelado.


With the weather forecast changing and promise of temperatures between 3 and 5, I decided to take the road bike instead of the mountain bike. The expectation of strong winds and the road bike is better for that. So, took the Giant bike and when straight against it. Most of the time headwind or cross winds.

I kept the heart rate on zone 2, between 148 and 155 bpm to gain endurance. Speed went down at some point to 20 km/h against the wind. Great training for strength build up as well. On the way back from Martensdijk back home the tail wind as quite nice and pushed speed around 33 to 35 km/h. Great fun.

THE WEEK | This week was dedicated to gym workouts. Managed to go 2 times and the drill is mainly 20 min warm-up on the spinning bike (10 jump sprints), then followed by squats with free weight (38 kg), leg press with 115 kg and hamstring curl with 65 kg. Then a long session of stretching for the belly and back. On Friday, I went to the Tacx and climbed the second half of the Stelvio. Good productive week.

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