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1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...

Ride 4: Jijona & Busot

Today was my fourth ride in Spain. Early morning to be in a cool 23 C (at 7 am) and a short one, just 2 hours at mid intercity. Total distance was 51 kms which Im OK with taking in consideration the consistent 3 to 4 % gradient. The legs felt empty and heavy but average speed was not bad with 500+ vertical meters for the effort I was putting in.  Not  bad but didn’t feel good either.


I also wanted to try a different route, that will bring me to Jijona and back. I will do part of this route tomorrow bit longer and try to get to La Torres de les Maçanes, one of the highest points around. This road is a constant uphill and a good training ground. Until Jijona it isn’t beautiful and more of an industrial type of roads. But between Jijona and Busot it is a very nice rolling hills with olive trees camps on both sides. Very nice. Tomorrow I will see the rest. 



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