As tradition now dictates I create every year my own race profile overview for l’Etape du Tour, from Pau to Hautacam. There are a lot of overviews around but I never found one the way I like. Either they are too detailed or don’t have enough information. I’ve also created a sticker template to be placed on the bike’s top tube and used as a guide. And by doing both, I decided to write again m own preview of the race on July 20th. | Como já é tradição, eu criei mais uma vez o meu próprio profile da l’Etape du Tour, de Pau até Hautacam. Existem vários na internet, mas eu nunca encontro um do jeito que eu gosto. Ou eles tem muito detalhes ou pouca informação. Eu também criei uma versão simplificada para ser colada no tubo superior do quadro para servir de guia durante a corrida. E quando fiz os dois, decidi escrever uma prévia do que vai ser a corrida no dia 20 de Julho. |
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1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here . Fo...

Very hard ride today on the dike. Original idea was to cover easy tempo riding of 150 kms, but we got lost and end up doing 175 kms. It was hard due to the constant cross wind (look at the angle of the grass on the photo) and because I got fed up with the wind and started pushing like hell. Good training. | Um treino pesado hoje em cima do dique. A idea original era fazer um treino relativamente fácil de 150 kms, mas acabamos fazendo 175 kms. Foi duro por causa do vento forte (dá uma olhada no ângulo da grama na foto) e porque eu fiquei cansado do vento contra e puxei pesado na última metade. Um bom treino. |
Today was the last team ride of the year. 122 kms rode in the beautiful region of Eiffel, in Germany. A very fast and pushy ride with 9 long climbs done at max effort out and fantastic descends. Take a look after the link. | Hoje foi o último treino do time da Nike desse ano. 122 kms na região de Eiffel, na Alemanha. Um treino rápido e puxado com 9 ladeiras longas que subimos com o máximo esforço e descidas fantásticas. Dá uma olhada depois do link. |
Today as the day of the best organized and hardest race in the Netherlands: Limburgs Mooiste. 176 kms in the south of the country, with 30 climbs and many small hills. It was even harder because I’m running a cold with throat infection and had cramps half way thru the ride. But still a very nice ride with a selected group of colleagues. | Hoje foi dia da corrida mais bem organizada da Holanda: Limburgs Mooiste. 176 kms no sul do país, com 30 subidas fortes a muitas subidas pequenas. Foi um dia duro porque estou gripado, com crise de garganta e ainda tive caimbras. Mas também foi uma volta muito boa com um grupo de colegas do trabalho muito bom. |
Tough little ride today in the Lekdijk. The wind was strong, the temperature was around 25 degrees but the air was really muggy and it was difficult to breath. That combined with the fact that I haven’t been feeling well for a couple of days with the beginning of a throat infection, made it extra hard. | Um treino duro hoje no Lekdijk. O vento estava forte, temperaturas por volta dos 25 graus e o ar estava realmente abafado, fazendo com que fosse difícil respirar. Isso combinado com eu não estar me sentindo bem e ter uma crise de garganta já por alguns dias fez com que o treino seja ainda mais dura. |
Lekdijk almost in Amerongen. Turn around point in the shade.
Everybody bailed out today and I had to ride alone. And that was actually a good thing. First because I could leave a bit later, around 10 am, and have a bit longer sleep. My hope was that the extra rest would make me feel better. Second if there is a chance that you are going to burn, better be alone and not hold anybody.
So, I wake up later and left home dead on at 10 am and went straight to Nieuwegein to get to the Lekdijk. Around my house, the wind was mild and the ground was still moist. My throat was still burning but the cold air helped. I managed to keep speed around 32 km/h.
But once I got to the dike, everything changed. No trees to protect the asphalt from the sun, and the moisture was going up quite strong, despite of the strong head wind. It was really warm and muggy and my throat really felt like burning. I kept the heart rate around 165 bpm and speed was around 28 km/h.
I wasn’t not enjoying it at all and decided to push until around 40 km and turn back. My original plan was to do 150 kms all the way down to Amerongen and Rhenen, but decided not to risk to get even worst and overdo it. So, turned around enjoyed the tailwind back home and now it will be a rest week as preparation for Limburgs Mooiste, on Saturday. 175 kms in distance with 32 climbs.
It doesn't get better than this. While in France for the Tour du ALS, a couple of us went to the Gorge de la Nesque, to a quick 40 kms ride up and down the Gorge. One of the most beautiful places I've ever ridden. Dolon and I were going around 30/32 kms/h, hence the slight shaking. It is not easy to keep steady, push this speed and film at the same time. :)
Chalet Reynard one hour before storm impact
This Friday the Team Jos – Nike Courage completed an eventful Tour du ALS climbing Mont Ventoux in France. It was a very hard day that made the 10 of us see very cold downhill close to zero degrees, hot and humid uphill and culminated with a strong storm that made the organization close last 6 kilometers of the mountain. Take a look how it went after the link. | Nesta sexta-feira, o time Jos – Nike Courage completou o evento Tour du ALS, subindo o Mont Ventoux 3 vezes na França. Foi um dia muito duro que fez os 10 participantes enfrentar descidas muito frias perto de zero graus, calor e humidade nas subidas e terminou com uma tempestade que fez a organização fechar o acesso ao topo da montanha. Dá uma olhada depois do link como foi. |