120 kms | 4 h 06 m | avg speed 29.2 km/h | avg hr 149 bpm | 2.280 kcal

What a great ride today. Sunny, cold but almost no wind. It was great to push non-stop for the full 120 kms on just beginning of zone 3 and keep speed above 30 kms/h. And even better, that it wasn’t a round trip which sometimes gets predictable. New route, great weather and better condition. Can’t ask for me.
Um dia excelente na bike. Sol, frio mas quase sem vento. Foi um treino forte sem parada por 120 kms mantendo o ritmo cardíaco na zona 3 e manter a velocidade acima dos 30 km/h. E melhor ainda, não foi uma volta, mas uma linha direta. Nova rota para o sul da Holanda, grade clima e condição melhor. Nada mal.


I decided to push the heart to just around 155 bpm for most of the time and stop the least possible. The plan was to ride 120 kms and I wanted to keep the effort going at all times and not to stop. Something that is only possible if you are riding alone with no wheel to ride, no slowdown to wait, no stop. Something good to do once in a while.

Managed to do as planned. The road from home to Bergen op Zoom, in the south of Holland, got much better with better indication which allowed to less stops and back tracking as the last time I did this 3 years ago. It has a couple of new bridges and it was good to push on the slop and not slow down.

I felt a bit the heavy legs at end of the ride due to the two interval sessions of the week but it was a good not to slowdown any moment. Managed to keep the speed and the heart going at the right level. A great ride.

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