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Live tracking: see how I am doing it!

1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...


Finally since Thursday I felt good enough to go back into training. Thursday and Friday I did a small and fast mobility training to get the muscles unlocked and supple again. Just 15 minutes of quick stretch and a serie of 2 x10 repeats squat-planks-side planks-plank-squat, followed by 20 mountain climbers, followed by 30 abs and finished with arms curls. The muscles felt really stiff and sore for 3 weeks of inactivity due to the flu but that was expected.

On Sunday I had planned the first actual proper training on the spinning bike. But also had to start conservative. I decide to do the training as a tempo riding / aerobic training keeping my heart rate stable around 150 bpm. Which is the middle of my zone 2 if you follow training based on heart rate zones. After warm-up I kept the resistance on the pedal to a point where I could do around 80 rpm and keep the heart at 150 and just kept on going for 50 minutes. For the last 2 minutes of each 10 minutes, I did standing up on the pedals with more resistance but lower rpm.

The training felt good and legs and body were supple. Not much burning sensation or muscle tearing apart like I had in trainings like these after a long stop of training. I think it came from the two "warm-up" days before. So, I will keep doing that :). And this is a sequence I learn from the bootcamp I started doing with Andrew in Diemen. If you are around Diemen, I recommend. Every Saturday and Sunday under the yellow bridge (Diemen Aalscholverpad) at 10:30 am.

This week, the plan is for 2 interval sessions of 3 minutes and 1 tempo training + fitness. Let's go.

On the bike I have a Garmin. But I found the Wahoo app much better than all others on the spinning bike. Even thinking about switching to them if I buy a new bike computer. Unfortunately for this training, my HR belt stopped working right at the end of the training in the cool down section. That HR at the top is not correct. Should be something around 120 bpm.

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