I just watched on you tube a piece of the reconnaissance of the Col du Soulor. It looks very tough. It is long. Very long indeed. This is going to break a lot of people. I can see people getting all excited on the beginning, thinking it is a easy cookie. A lot of heroes passing flying by the left side and then they will hit the middle section. 14 kms on the climbing and things gets real. It jumps to 9% incline and doesn't go below 7.5% until the top. It is when we will see a lot of people walking.
My goal is to do it in one go. No walking and no stopping. And one thing that gives me the good feeling is that it looks like climbing Ventoux from Sault side. Around 8% most of the time but if you take it easy and keep your own pace, it can be done.
Take a look at the link below. This guys has a lot of other videos and tutorials. Very nice ones.
He has previous of the other climbs as well. So, if you have a weak heart, don't watch. I'm not kidding. You will get too nervous and might even consider giving up. last year (my second one in cycling) I didn't manage to climb a piece of 18% at the beginning of the season but climbed just fine at the end of it... It is all about training.
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