Another edition of the Tour du ALS completed this year last Thursday 28th. Lots of climb, lots of kilometers and effort but more than anything lots of camaraderie and support. Everybody reached their goal in this hard day. More especially Sem, the daughter from our colleague and friend Jos, completed the climb from Bedoin which is considered the hardest side of Mont Ventoux. See more details and pictures after the link. |
Outra edição do Tour du ALS completa na última Quinta-feira, dia 28. Muitos quilômetros, muitas subidas e esforço pesado. E melhor ainda, muito suporte e camaradagem to time. Todo mundo atingiu o próprio objetivo em mais um dia duro de calor. Mais especialmente Sem, a filha do nosso colega Jos, completou a subida desde Bedoin, considerada a mais difícil do Mont Ventoux. Veja como foi o dia e algumas fotos depois do link. |
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1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here . Fo...

Tomorrow we will wake up at 3 am, start riding at 5 am and first ride the Mountain from Maulacene side. It is a first 15 kms before we get to the bottom of the climb and then we go the first 24 kms up. From the top we will go to Sault and turn around for the second climb. the trick will be to climb fast enough to be back to the start at 12:00 and ride it with the whole organization and Sem for the third time.
67 kms | 3 h 12 m | avg speed 20.9 km/h | avg hr 148 bpm | ? kcal
Today was the first team ride in France as preparation for the Tour du ALS. We went from the camping to the top of the Mont Ventoux and from there to Sault and came back. A total of 67 kms in a very windy day. Take a look after the link and some photos. Great team, great fist ride.
90 kms | 3 h 20 m | avg speed 27.1 km/h | avg hr 144 bpm | 1.730 kcal
Nice and easy bike ride today as last preparation for the Tour du ALS. Did 90 kms with Peter on the road around the house. Kept the heart rate at zone 2 end and relaxed on an easy pace, with bit of wind but great weather. Not much more to say.
Next stop, car drive to France, team rides on Tuesday and Wednesday and the big ride on
Thursday. Weather forecast is on the warm side, 28 degrees celsius and lots of sun. Stay tuned as I will be posting pictures and stories.
151 kms | 5 h 35 m | avg speed 27 km/h | avg hr 146 bpm | 1.827 kcal
Today ride was a Nike team ride again in Limburg, south of Holland. Team in good numbers for the WTC Grensland sportive for the 150 kms strong ride on the steep hills of the region. The weather was perfect: dry, not too cold or warm and just a hint of a strong wind at the end. A great ride that I rode with two different sub-groups and managed to keep pushing all the way down to the finish.
Last weekend I didn’t do any long ride training. It was Mothers day and I dedicated the weekend to the family. Just to avoid not posting anything I’ve added a video of the Classico Boretti with the climb of Italiaanseweg. Peter thought I was showing off and it was quick to remind me that he dropped me on the Grebberbeg. Check how this could happen after the link and the training analysis so far…
75 kms | 2 h 29 m | avg speed 30.1 km/h | avg hr 146 bpm | 1.845 kcal
Nice tempo riding today to relax after the long ride on Saturday. Went from home to Wijk bij Duurstede on top of the dike with lots of cross wind. Sun was eventually out and it was warm enough to go without arm and leg warmers! First time in the year I don’t have to cover up everything. | Treino de ritmo hoje para relaxar da volta grande do sábado. Fui de casa até a cidade de Wijk bij Duurstede e voltei. Tudo em cima do dique com muito ventro atravessado. O sol saiu algumas vezes e estava quente suficiente prá sair com braços e pernas descobertos! |
160 kms | 5 h 48 m | avg speed 27.7 km/h | avg hr 141 bpm | 2.699 kcal
Back to the Veluwe area for a good ride on the Classico Boretti, an organized ride with around 4 thousand cyclists. This time it was only Peter and I at the start line on a 4 degrees early 7:40 start. A long 160 kms with a great weather than went all the way up to 15 degrees, sun shining and a challenging route. With only 28 days for the Tour du ALS, this was a great training for climbing and endurance. Take a look after the link. | De volta a área do Veluwe para um treino do Classico Boretti, uma volta organizada com mais ou menos 4 mil ciclistas. Desta vez foram somente eu e Peter na largada, que começou com 4 graus às 7:41. Foram longs 160 kms com um clima muito bom, sol brilhando e a temperatura que subiu até os 15 graus. Com somente 28 dias para o Tour du ALS, foi um bom treino para subidas e resistência. Dá uma olhada depois do link como foi. |