56 kms | 1 h 55 m | avg speed 29.3 km/h | avg hr 153 bpm | 1.155 kcal

What a great way to finish a very intensive week at work! A good ride around the Gooimeer, close to the office, on a fantastic sunny and still warm day (17 degrees celsius). Maybe the last warm and dry day before Autumn rain start. Almost 2 hours of intensive riding with a good group.

Check how it went after the link.
  Que maneira melhor de terminar uma semana intensiva de trabalho! Uma boa volta ao redor do Gooimer, perdo do escritório, em um dia de sol, boa temperatura (17 graus). Talvez o último dia de bom tempo antes do outono começar realmente. E com um grupo bom.

Veja como foi depois do link.


We left the office around 3 pm when things start getting slow with emails and meetings. The group was small but eager and we had4 guys. Jeroen was by far the strongest today and he also know the area. Very quickly he was designated as guide (so I don’t have to use the bad navigation from the Garmin). He, together with Pieter, were most of the time in front and pulling strong against the headwind towards the Gooimeer with a speed of 34 to 35 kms/h. Quite impressive.

Untill we got to the Gooimeer, when we would cruise along side the water, I wasn’t feeling really strong. I had still heavy legs from the interval session from yesterday and was sucking air like an old vacuum cleaner. Legs burning and no speed. Shouldn’t have done that session on the spinning bike… The other Jeroen and I were most of the time sucking their wheels.

When we hit the Gooimeer we got tailwind and were just cruising at 30 kms/h and I decided to spice things up a bit. I did little attack to see if Jeroen would accelerate quickly to catch me. He didn’t exploded behind me but increased the tempo slowly, took over me and went away. Good team to train and get the speed high. From their was a push back alongside farm roads and at some point we had again the headwind, where Jeroen tried to kill us pushing 36 km/h. Luckly there was a traffic light to slow things down.

Very nice ride that hopefully we can repeat with another good weather day!

Photo is from Google Maps.

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