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Live tracking: see how I am doing it!

1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...


124 kms | 4 h 27 m | avg speed 27.9 km/h | avg hr 144 bpm | 2.233 kcal

Relax ride with Richard and Peter today following the Lekdijk. Great sunny weather, controlled speed and a fantastic route. For the first time I went thru the south side of the lekdijk all the way down to Rhenen and then back by the North side. A great ride and maybe the last long one from this year.   Volta relaxante com Richard e Peter hoje seguindo o rio Lekdijk. Um dia de sol, uma volta com velocidade controlada e uma rota muito boa. Hoje seguimos o dique do Lekdijk pela primeira vez até Rhenen e voltando pelo lado norte. Uma volta muito boa e talvez a última de longa distância do ano.


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