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Live tracking: see how I am doing it!

1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...


71.9 kms | 2 h 48 m | 25.7 avg speed | 1.911 kcal  | 158 avg bpm 

The board somewhere around Vinkeveen taken where I stop for a quick refill was right. Today was a nice lonely ride with a bit of wind to bring resistance and better than last week average speed. If only the back pain didn’t show up so strong at the end…
  A foto da plaquinha dizia “Nice” e isso foi a volta de hoje. Um treino sozinho e legal com bom resultado. O tempo estava bom e o vento contra trouxe resistência para um treino de ritmo com melhores resultados que a semana passada. Se não fosse a dor nas costas…


The objective of the training today was to do a tempo training with constant rhythm and heart rate for a 3 hour ride. And the best thing to do that is get to the Amsterdam Rijkanaal that is a long straight line and just set the heart rate to +/- 160 and cadence to 80/85 rpm.

That is what I did and didn’t really look at the speed. The terrain is basically flat and I got cross wind all the way up to close by Weesp. Keeping the cadence was good and I felt quite well, with the muscles feeling really supple. Good improvement from last week.

On the way back I tried to get a bit of variation and went back via the Vecht river. One can only endure the boredom straight lines for so much when riding alone and the curvy roads along the river is very nice.

One thing I need to figure out is how to increase the training during the week as I only manage to squeeze two hours of muscle training and no endurance. The trainings are geared to fix the back problems and get more strength in the belly muscles and hamstring. But that doesn’t help pedaling power and endurance.

At around 60 kms my back started hurting really strong. The day before it was painful and I was expecting the ride to be thru pain the whole time. So, only 10 kms of pain should be in the plus side. I’m starting to suspect that the position I sleep is not helping…. 



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