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Live tracking: see how I am doing it!

1,330 kms | 36 K vertical meters Tomorrow, August 10, start my sport challenge of the year. You can read all the details about it here .  Fo...



This Friday I led my first spinning class with the group of colleagues. It was quite interesting to prepare for it as you need to think about the exercise in phases and what you want to achieve from it. And it was even better to drive it and learn something how to motivate the team to push their limits. And that was how a finish a good training week that had 5 days of training from core fitness training, mountain bike and spinning. Good week! Tomorrow Moutain bike ride in dry weather.

The week in numbers:
Sunday: 1 h 20 min zone 2 on the trainer.
Monday: 1 h core fitness
Tuesday: 1 h core fitness
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: 16 km mountain bike
Friday: 1 hour Spinning with 5 minutes interval
Ontem eu comandei a minha primeira classe de spinning com os colegas da Nike. Preparar para a classe foi bem interessante porque me fez pensar no exercício e qual o objetivo de cada fase o no que eu queria atingir. E também foi interessante liderar a seção para aprender como motivar o time a continuar puxando os limites. E isso foi o fecho de uma boa semana com 5 dias de treino com ginásio, mountain bike e spinning. Amanhã tem Mountain Bike com bom tempo dessa vez.

A semana em números:
Domingo: 1 hora 20 minutos no trainer zona 2 ritmo cardíaco
Segunda: 1 hora fitness
Terça: 1 hora fitness
Quarta: descanso
Quinta: Mountain bike 16 kms
Sexta: 1 hora spinning com intervalos de 5 minutos
Sábado: descanso

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